Sunday, July 22, 2012

No Babies for These Ladies

One of our goals at Jade's Mission is to spay any chained and penned female dogs we come across while we are doing outreach. There are so many unwanted litters in Kansas City and even more unwanted dogs and cats. The more litters that are born are just adding to the huge problem we have. Plus these litters that are born from a chained dog that lives in less desirable situation are prone to more diseases and sometimes don't make it. Not only are these pet owners struggling to take care of their animal, now they have 5 or more puppies to care for. We find so many pregnant or new mommas that are skin and bones because they are not getting enough to eat and the babies are sucking the life out of them. The owners end up giving the puppies away as early as 3 weeks, full of worms, and still needing mommas milk. These puppies are usually given away for free or very cheap and they end up in a life just like their momma was in. We are out there trying to prevent as many litters from happening as we can. Not all pet owners are willing to spay their animals, but through education, we will try to help as many of these animals as possible. As Jade's Mission we have been able to spay 5 chained females so far. If you stop and think, this has not only saved 5 dogs from having to suffer through pregnancy at the end of a chain, it has saved hundreds of lives from all the litters of puppies these dogs could have had in their lifetime at the end of their chain. 

Our donations can only go so far with spaying along with all the other outreach supplies we have to purchase. We knew we couldn't afford to spay and neuter the amount of animals we wanted to without more help. We reached out to Spay and Neuter Kansas City for help. They are willing to help us with spaying and neutering animals that we find while we are on outreach! This is such a great working relationship! We have their forms and can direct people to their services directly now. Instead of just referring them to Spay and Neuter KC, we can help people fill out the form, turn it in for them, and transport animals to their facility if needed. This helps us out so much so we can direct our donated money to outreach supplies and animal emergencies. 

I would like to share some of the stories of the dogs we have been able to spay through Jade's Mission! 

This is sweet Daisy. When we first came across her while going down an alley, she was on a short tie out, no shelter, no food or water, and had bad fly strike. Through education and assistance, we were able to get Daisy spayed, get her a dog house, and now everytime we go by she has fresh food and water. 

Miss Queenie was our first spay as Jade's Mission. She used to be chained up with no shelter and now she is an indoor dog thanks to educating the pet owner.

Bella is a young puppy this family rescued from the streets. She is kept inside and thanks to Jade's Mission, won't have to worry about having a litter.

This is beautiful Roxy, a brindle pit, who we spayed before she could have a litter of pups.

And this is Gordy, a sweet 9 month old girl. Her family was very thankful for the help getting her spayed!           

 Thank you so much to everyone for all the support we are getting! We are small and new, but we are getting so much work accomplished because of your donations and networking!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Luck Jade's Mission Babies!!!

We came across Violet, Daisy, Iris, and Sweet William on our very first day of outreach as Jade's Mission! My mom and I were out when we came across a momma in the street eating out of the trash. We started looking around at where her pups could be. We located them on a porch, but no one was home. These pups were starving and clearly overloaded with worms. They were fighting over the dog biscuits I was giving them. The next day we went back to make contact with the owners. Finally someone was home. The lady stated that she wanted all the puppies, one for each of her kids... ugh. After much convincing, we were able to take the three girls into our program, but they would not let the boy pup go. We sadly left him there alone, but we knew we would be back to check on him. The next week my mom and I were there again and this poor boy was so afraid he was hiding under a truck in a vacant lot next door. We finally caught the poor puppy and he was sooo hungry he ate an entire can of food in seconds. We talked with the owners and they finally gave him up too. That's how these puppies became the first rescues of Jade's Mission! We gave them a couple weeks of recovery at Kendra's while they passed their worms, got vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. 

It wasn't long before we started getting interested in them. Pretty little Iris was the first to be adopted! Then soon after that, beautiful Iris was adopted. Then we had the two black ones left. We know, being in the rescue world for a while, how hard it can be sometimes to adopt out black dogs. With the help of T.A.R.A., they courtesy listed our puppies and within two weeks we found forever homes for Daisy and finally Sweet William! 

Within those weeks of fostering these four cuties, Kendra also took in a beautiful Belgium Malinois puppy someone dumped in a hotel room. Parker didn't last long at Jade's Mission and was adopted in less than a week! Then just this past week, we took in a chunky little boy named Toad. He is the cutest little hunk and he was adopted just yesterday by a wonderful family! Please enjoy the following pictures of happiness! These puppies are the lucky ones that made it out of the hell they were born in to and are now off to their life of love and happiness! 

Thank you everyone who donated towards the healthy recovery of all these puppies and towards their spays and neuters. Thank you to the volunteers who didn't give up and helped rescue all these babies. And finally, THANK YOU KENDRA for fostering all these cuties till they were adopted. You cared for these pups, screened the applications, and did all the adoptions. You had the toughest job of all and you did an amazing job!  


Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Miserable Heat

The past month of outreach has been down right miserable! This heat will not give up! But neither will we, we have been out there as much as we can in this weather trying to reach as many animals as possible. Yesterday was a record breaking high and we were out there for these animals. We came across so many dogs that either had no water, nasty, stale, brown water, or were so tangled the couldn't reach their water. It is so frustrating to see dogs like this. You just want to tie the owners up outside with no shade or water and see how they feel. But since that realistically isn't an option for us, we have to continue to educate and stress the importance of the basic needs these dogs need. Some of the addresses we visit, we have to go there at least twice a week to make sure the dogs are ok and have water. No amount of education ever helps. It's very sad and very frustrating on our part. 

Our first stop was a dog that was chained to a tree and the chain was so tangled up, he couldn't even reach his water. The chain was around his neck and he had horrible fly strike. No one was home, so we just went to work fixing him up. We got him on a light weight tie-out and a put a new collar on him. He now has 20ft of space to walk around in. We put fly repelling ointment on his ears and hung a fly bag. He loved his treats! We left food and our information. He also needs a new dog house, which we will fix him up with before it gets cold out. 

 Next we stopped at Dollar Bill's house...yes that's the dog's name. We have been going here twice a week trying to get the owner to step up and take care of this dog. When we got there today he had 2 buckets full of fresh water and had food out!!! We get so excited over things like this. We hung a new fly bag for this boy and left more food.

After that we stopped to check on our boy JoJo. On Wednesday when we were out doing outreach, one of our teams found JoJo so tangled up he was literally choking and couldn't move, let alone get to his water. JoJo can be very unpredictable so it wasn't an easy task for Kendra and her Husband John to get him untangled, but they did! So we knew we had to get back to JoJo yesterday to check in. He wasn't tangled thank goodness and had somewhat fresh water. His ears are looking much better since we started educating the owner on stepping up and taking care of his dog. 
 We checked in on our boy that lives at a vacant home. His water was disgusting and he was on such a short tie out, he barely had space to move. We have given this dog numerous new tie outs, but something always happens to them... But we couldn't leave him like that, so we put him on yet again, another tie out. We dumped out his brown/green water and gave him cool, fresh water. We slathered his ears with fly ointment and hung another fly bag. He's always one we have to check on at least once a week. Neighbors say they take care of him, but that's not always the case. 
 Our next stop is always a frustrating one. It's like a roller coaster at this house. One week they are stepping up and taking care of their dogs, the next they are completely neglecting them. Today was one of those neglectful days. Boots barely has any shade where his set up is located and he never has fresh water. We have finally gotten them to start putting on the fly ointment consistently so his poor ears have finally healed up. Baby Girl, who lives in the back was so tangled around the deck she couldn't move or get to her water. She was panting really hard. We poured water over her to cool her off, got her untangled, and made her drink some water. Both buckets of water that were out there for her were green and really nasty. 

  After many more stops in KCMO, we headed over to KCK. We had several addresses in mind where we know dogs never have water and need our help. We stopped and helped these two dogs that live in a pen together and just as we suspected, their water was gross and brown, it probably hadn't been changed since the last time we were there. 

 Our last call of the day was given to us by an amazing meter reader who calls in to outreach groups as she sees dogs in need on her routes. I had talked to her earlier that day about a husky that was being kept outside with old water and no shelter. When we got there, we got to talking to the owner about the care his dog needs. He did have fresh water, but he didn't have any shelter and he was on the skinny side. We dewormed the husky and gave the owner some puppy food to bulk him back up. The man had rescued the dog and was trying to do his best to care for him. As we talked with him further, we discovered that his girlfriend had a puppy at her house that they didn't want anymore. They said she had worms coming out of her, so they put her in the basement where she stays all the time. They said she has been losing weight and they just didn't know what to do with her anymore. We immediately said we'd take her! They went and got her and she was quite the sad sight! She was skinny and attention starved. She smelt terrible and was in pretty rough shape. Sometimes these calls can turn into so much more once you start talking to people. We will be getting the husky shelter and staying in close contact with this family. 

 Thank you so much everyone for the support and thank you so much to the hard working volunteers who are out there helping these animals!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stay Determined!

Marilyn and I came across this sad situation when we were headed down Van Brunt to another address. As we drove past we saw this dog trying to smash herself into the little bit of shade she had and was panting frantically. We turned right around and pulled up at this house. We banged on the door, no one was home. The pit had absolutely no water and it was over 100 degrees that day. She was very aggressive so we scooted some water over to her that she drank for minutes. We fed her too, she was pretty hungry. She was in rough shape. She had scars all over her body, some open wounds on her face, and she looked like she had been bred to death! We filled her water container to the top and decided we needed to call animal control on this one.

As long as an animal has food, water, and shelter, animal control usually says 'no violations'. Since we had filled her water to the top, I waited until Tuesday morning to call animal control. I explained the situation in great detail and said someone needed to go there that day because she probably doesn't have any water. That evening, at 10:30 pm an animal control officer called me saying he was the night shift and was getting to calls that didn't get finished during the day. No one had been to see this poor girl. He told me he was on his way to check on the situation and assured me things would be taken care of. 

The next day, Wednesday, I sent Marilyn and Eleanor back out to this address to see what had happened, if she was still there, and if she had water. Yet again, this girl had NO water and was roasting in the sun. I was so upset! I called animal control back and asked what the report said from the officer who went out. All the report said was that the dog appeared healthy and that a note was left on the door because no owner contact was made. The case was CLOSED! I was furious! How could they close a case like this? This dog was going to die if something wasn't done. 

Friday afternoon I had plans of heading over to this address, calling animal control, and waiting for them to get there. On my way there, Fox 4 called wanting to do a story on us about how we are helping animals in this horrible heat. The light bulbs went off! I met the camera woman at this address, and of course, the dog had NO water again! I showed all this on camera and told the woman I was going to call animal control. She said she would stick around! When I called in the call, I told them I had the news with me and I wanted some action done to help this dog. An animal control officer was at this house in less than five minutes and a supervisor was there in less than 10! No owner contact had ever been made, so they decided to seize the dog. THANK GOD! The supervisor told me this isn't the first time this dog has been taken in to animal control...

It took determination from all the volunteers at Jade's Mission, with the help of the news to get this girl out of the heat. I realize her fate at the shelter isn't any better. She is a very aggressive dog and has had a really rough life. But it is better to die quick and painlessly than to die of heat stroke and dehydration. Since this is the second time this poor girl has been taken in by animal control,  I hope it's her last. I hope she never has to be thirsty, hot, starving, or bred ever again. We will be following up every so often on this address to make sure more dogs don't have the same fate as this girl. Thank you so much for the support so we can be out there helping animals like this one.