We had a very productive day today on outreach! We loaded up a volunteer's old car with the intentions of scouring the alley ways of Kansas City for animals in need, and boy did we find plenty! I want to show the highlights of today's outreach efforts so you can see what we are out there battling against and why we need your support.
Once we started braving alleys in midtown, it didn't take us long to find our first stop. We pulled up to a backyard that had a shepherd mix chained on a very heavy tow chain. We decided to stop and see if he needed any protection from the flies and see if the owner would be interested in a light weight cable tie-out. Luckily, the owner was out back, so we got out and found more than what we first expected. There was also a female pit chained up that had recently had puppies. One of the puppies was still there, but the woman had plans of keeping him, the rest had died from parvo. We started in with asking if she would be interested in spaying the female pit, Princess. She didn't seem too receptive, she was more interested in finding a new home for Princess. We will continue to work with this situation, and hopefully with rescue, we can get Princess out of this situation. The last thing we want is another unspayed female pit being given away. We were able to get Princess on a light weight tie-out. Next we moved on to the shepherd mix in the other corner of the yard. The woman explained that he had recently been attacked by a dog and was in bad shape. He had open wounds and was very skinny. Once we started looking at him, he had a wound on his back leg that had maggots in it. The woman was disgusted and said that she was taking him to the vet immediately tomorrow. We got this poor boy off his heavy tow chain that Marilyn could barely lift it was so heavy. We will be checking on this situation on Tuesday to be sure that this boy received the proper vet care.
Here is Princess and her puppy Ice Cube.
Here is Marilyn assisting the woman with getting the shepherd boy off his 50+ pound tow chain.
After that stop, it just added more fuel to our fire, we kept trucking down alleys looking for more animals in need. A few stops later, we came across the saddest sight. In this disgusting and filthy backyard was this lonely girl who was on a tangled tie-out, not any longer than 4ft. She was literally trapped in her own feces and trash was all around her.
We got out to get a closer look at this dog's situation. We knocked on the door, but no one answered. This girl had no water, the flies were everywhere, and she could barely move. We couldn't leave her like that, so we decided to go ahead and fix her up and make her more comfortable. We got her off her tangled short tie out and on a longer tie-out so she could have more freedom. We got her fresh water and food. We also hung a fly bag up and put fly ointment on her fly bitten ears. Marilyn also got to work shoveling all the feces out of her area so the flies wouldn't be so bad. She was very shy and shut down, but she let us do our work. We also noticed that she appears to have had puppies before and hasn't been spayed. We left our information and will be back to check in on this girl. We would love to get her spayed.
As we were looking for another terrible looking alley way to head down, we came across this boy, JoJo, driving down a side street. He looked like he needed a lot of help. We stopped and talked to the owner. He said that he didn't have a lot of money and really needed some help caring for JoJo. We walked to the backyard to get a closer look at poor JoJo. His ears were horrible fly bitten, he was very thin, and he was on a heavy tow chain. He didn't have a drop of water and was so hungry. We had a lot of work to do here!
First things first, we got JoJo some food and water. As he drank and drank from his bucket of water we got a closer look at his poor ears, they looked horrible!
We started talking to the owner about how to keep the flies away, he didn't realize that all the poop he hadn't picked up was causing the flies to be so bad. We hung a big fly bag up for JoJo and showed the owner how to apply the fly ointment we were leaving with him. We explained the importance of making sure JoJo has water at all times, especially in this heat. We gave him a big bag of puppy food to help bulk JoJo back up and will continue to help out here with food. We were so happy to also get JoJo off his heavy tow chain and on a light weight tie-out!
We headed further south looking for a dog we had helped in the past when we came across this beautiful boy. He needed our help for sure! He had a poorly built dog house, no food or water, and was tied to a tree with several leashes. His ears were also being eat alive by flies. We were not able to make contact with owners at this house, so we did our best to make this boy comfortable until we can talk to the owners.
We hung up a fly bag, lathered on the fly ointment on his ears and gave him fresh water and food. This boy is very thin. We left a big bag of dog food and fly ointment on their door step. Once we make contact with the owners we will get this guy a new dog house and on a cable tie-out. We will be monitoring this situation to be sure this dog is cared for properly.
We had a long day today, but it was so worth it. We made over 12 stops and helped around 20 dogs today. We hung fly bags at almost every stop we made and handed out many bottles of fly ointment for fly strike. We took 5 dogs off of their heavy tow chains and replaced them with light weight cable tie-outs. We gave water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. I would like to thank everyone that has helped us by contributing fly bags, fly ointment, monetary donations, and more! We are just starting up and our funds are very limited. We need everyone's support to continue this much needed work. We have our PayPal account up and running and we also have monthly recurring donations available. We are ALWAYS in need of more fly ointment, fly bags, heavy duty cable tie-outs, buckle collars, water buckets, and dog food. We have drop off locations all over the KC area and we have a great website where fly bags and ointment can be purchased (http://www.horse.com/). Please visit our website at http://jadesmission.org for more information on how to help us continue our outreach efforts!
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