Saturday, December 29, 2012


When we started our outreach program back in May, we came across an address in KCK where four shepherds were chained up in a big yard. The owner was an older man and he did a pretty good job taking care of them all. They always had water and he keeps them all well fed. We would stop by occasionally to bring him fly gel, food, and treats for the dogs. Three of the shepherds were female and only one of them was spayed, he flat out refused to spay the other two. Well, we weren't at all surprised when we stopped by a couple weeks ago to find eight little puppies running around the yard. They all had wounds on their head and legs from fighting for food between each other and the adult dogs. The man wasn't home, so we went back the next day to see if we could get the puppies out of there. He was tired of all of them and all the fighting. When we went back, there were only 6 of the original 8 puppies, he said the other two were stolen. We loaded up the 6 puppies and headed over to the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City, who vetted them and nursed them back to health. We were just sick about the other two and what had happened to them. We had finally convinced this man to finally spay the other two females so he wouldn't have any more puppies. When we went back to pick the first dog up, Nadia, the other two puppies were back! So we took Nadia and the other two pups to the Humane Society. Nadia was spayed and stayed two nights at the HS to relax and heal. Meanwhile, all eight puppies were ready to go to Great Plains SPCA to find their forever homes!

Nadia's owner came to pick her up two days after she was spayed. He was suppose to keep her quiet and inside so she could relax and heal. Instead he put her right back out on her chain and didn't pay any attention to her incision and what was happening with her. We stopped by last Saturday to check in and see how Nadia was healing. As I approached her, I noticed she had lots of fresh blood all over her back legs and there was blood all over where she was chained. I bent down and looked at her incision...there were intestines coming out! She had chewed her stitches out and her insides were hanging out. I was horrified! I asked the man how long she had been like that and he said he noticed it this morning! He noticed it that morning and didn't call anyone or take her to a vet?!?! I told him this was an emergency and that Nadia needed to go to the emergency vet. He didn't seem to concerned. I asked how much money he had to save her and he said he didn't have any and to just kill her. We quickly had him sign Nadia over to us and rushed her to Mission MedVet. I must warn you that these pictures are pretty graphic and to not continue on if you are sensitive to blood.
When we arrived at Mission MedVet, they rushed Nadia to the back to assess her and see what needed to be done. After what seemed like forever, the doctor finally came out and said that Nadia had in fact chewed her stitches out, and not only that, but had chewed up some of her inner flesh and her intestines. The surgery, if she would even survive would cost over $3000. They weren't sure if she would then survive the secondary infection from all the debris that was in her abdomen. Nadia was an older dog and had been through so much pain already. We just couldn't bare the thought of her going through all this surgery, just to die anyway. We decided that she had had a rough enough life and needed to be released to the Rainbow Bridge in Heaven. We went back to a room and said our goodbyes to Nadia and told her we would see her again someday. And as she passed we told her to be with Jade and all the other Jade's Mission babies we had lost this year. She passed peacefully and is no longer in pain! Thank you so much for everyone's thoughts and prayers for Nadia, she will be waiting for all of us that loved her when we pass over. RIP Nadia.

Thank you for everyone's support so we can help dogs like Nadia!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Puppy Palooza!

In the past couple weeks we have come across and rescued over 13 puppies from 4 different litters. And thanks to Jen and the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City, we have been able to get them into different rescue groups to be adopted out! Our first litter we came across was in KCK where a man has four shepherd mixes chained up in his yard. We had been helping him with hay and fly repellent during the summer months and we knew one of the shepherds wasn't fixed, but he wasn't interested in getting her spayed. Last week we went by to check on everyone and drop off a bunch of straw when we counted 8 little puppies running around in his yard! He wasn't home, so we left supplies for him and left a note for him to call us. He did and told us to please come get the puppies because they were driving him crazy! All 8 of these puppies had wounds on their faces and legs from fighting over food with each other and the other adults in the yard. We went out the next day to get the puppies, which were scared to death of us. We had to scruff most of them and a few we had use our net to catch. We were only able to get 6 at this time, the man said 2 had been stolen. We were heartbroken for those 2, but we were happy we could rescue at least 6. We also signed the momma up for a spay at the Humane Society for the following Tuesday. These 6 puppies went straight the the Humane Society where they received the vetting they really needed and will be transferred to Great Plains SPCA for adoption soon!

We were so upset about the 2 that had supposedly been stolen. During outreach today, we went back by to check today and we were so happy we did! There in the yard were the other two puppies!!! We were able to scruff one and we had to corner and net the other. They were so scared, they just curled up and rode the whole day with us on outreach. They will be joining their brothers and sisters tomorrow at the Humane Society!

It must have been lucky puppy day or something because after picking up these two boys, we rescued three more pups today. We had a call from a KCMO police officer about a homeless woman that was carrying around a very tiny 6 week old puppy with her. We tracked the woman down today, who is also pregnant. We talked to her for along time about the responsibility of having a puppy especially when she needed to focus on taking care of herself right now. She agreed and wanted what was best for the puppy. Us volunteers pooled our money together and gave the woman some money to help her out and we took the little puppy with us. We decided to name this puppy Mandie, after the homeless woman who was doing everything she could for the puppy, but knew it needed a better home. It was a very tearful and sad goodbye, but we told her we would stop by her area and let her know how Mandie was doing.

Then on our way home from outreach we picked up two of the most adorable teddy bears you could ever imagine! A woman that works at our vet clinic found them as strays that showed up at her property and we were happy to take them in! These two girls, who we named Jenny and Josephine, joined Mandie at a volunteer's house for the night. All three of these girls will be available for adoption very soon!

Thank you so much for everyone's support! With out it we couldn't be out there rescuing little babies like these!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Rags to Riches

We got a call from a meter reader about three scruffy black dogs running around near a busy corner in KCK, we were told they were not in the best shape either. The next day we headed over to check it out. On a corner lot there they were, three little sad looking dogs. They were running loose and two out of the three were badly matted. One was so matted, she was having trouble walking right. Only one of the dogs would come up to us, but they kept running towards a house on the corner. We knocked on the door and the woman inside said the dogs belonged to her sister who wouldn't be home until the weekend. We asked where the dogs stayed at night, she said outside. There was no shelter or any place for these dogs to stay warm. We told the woman we would be back that weekend to talk to her sister. 

 That Saturday rolled around and we headed back over to try and get these dogs out of this neglectful situation. The same woman answered the door and told us that her sister said to take all three. We were so relieved and happy, we were prepared to convince this lady to give up her dogs. We loaded up all three dogs and took them to a volunteer's house for the night. That Monday the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City agreed to take the three dogs, clean them up, and find them loving forever homes! We were so excited because we weren't sure how we were going to come up with three foster homes for these babies.

At the Humane Society, both girls, who were badly matted received make overs and new names. The boy had short hair and just need a bath, he is now Twix! Meet Miso and Alexis, transformed:

These three are now available for adoption at the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City! We are so happy that these three will never have to endure another freezing cold winter or boiling hot summer outside with no shelter. These three will never have to worry about when their next meal will be or trying not to get hit by a car. Thank you so much for supporting Jade's Mission. Success stories like these make all the terrible things we see worth it!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hay Day!

Sadly, the warm weather is starting to come to an end and the nights are getting cold again...which means now we have to start worrying about keeping our outreach dogs warm instead of cool. After reading the weather forecast for later this week and next, we decided we needed to start getting straw and hay to our outreach dogs so they can stay warm at night. For the past several weeks we have put straw in over 40 dog houses!

Along with so many dogs needing straw, we have found so many that either don't have a dog house at all or need a better one to keep them warm this winter. We have made many trips out for dog house deliveries in the past several weeks, so far we have given out over 10 dog houses, and just this past Saturday we found 5 more dogs needing dog houses. This is out biggest need right now is dog houses. We are not picky, they don't have to be new, just as long as they will keep a dog warm during the cold winter months and protect them from getting wet.

Thank you everyone for the continued support so we can be out there in the city making sure these babies stay warm this winter! If you have a dog house you would like to donate, please visit our website at  under 'donate' for a list of our drop off locations in the area. If you are needing us to pick the dog house up, we can also do that, just send us an email at or call us at 816-737-8574.