Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Rags to Riches

We got a call from a meter reader about three scruffy black dogs running around near a busy corner in KCK, we were told they were not in the best shape either. The next day we headed over to check it out. On a corner lot there they were, three little sad looking dogs. They were running loose and two out of the three were badly matted. One was so matted, she was having trouble walking right. Only one of the dogs would come up to us, but they kept running towards a house on the corner. We knocked on the door and the woman inside said the dogs belonged to her sister who wouldn't be home until the weekend. We asked where the dogs stayed at night, she said outside. There was no shelter or any place for these dogs to stay warm. We told the woman we would be back that weekend to talk to her sister. 

 That Saturday rolled around and we headed back over to try and get these dogs out of this neglectful situation. The same woman answered the door and told us that her sister said to take all three. We were so relieved and happy, we were prepared to convince this lady to give up her dogs. We loaded up all three dogs and took them to a volunteer's house for the night. That Monday the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City agreed to take the three dogs, clean them up, and find them loving forever homes! We were so excited because we weren't sure how we were going to come up with three foster homes for these babies.

At the Humane Society, both girls, who were badly matted received make overs and new names. The boy had short hair and just need a bath, he is now Twix! Meet Miso and Alexis, transformed:

These three are now available for adoption at the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City! We are so happy that these three will never have to endure another freezing cold winter or boiling hot summer outside with no shelter. These three will never have to worry about when their next meal will be or trying not to get hit by a car. Thank you so much for supporting Jade's Mission. Success stories like these make all the terrible things we see worth it!

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