Sunday, July 22, 2012

No Babies for These Ladies

One of our goals at Jade's Mission is to spay any chained and penned female dogs we come across while we are doing outreach. There are so many unwanted litters in Kansas City and even more unwanted dogs and cats. The more litters that are born are just adding to the huge problem we have. Plus these litters that are born from a chained dog that lives in less desirable situation are prone to more diseases and sometimes don't make it. Not only are these pet owners struggling to take care of their animal, now they have 5 or more puppies to care for. We find so many pregnant or new mommas that are skin and bones because they are not getting enough to eat and the babies are sucking the life out of them. The owners end up giving the puppies away as early as 3 weeks, full of worms, and still needing mommas milk. These puppies are usually given away for free or very cheap and they end up in a life just like their momma was in. We are out there trying to prevent as many litters from happening as we can. Not all pet owners are willing to spay their animals, but through education, we will try to help as many of these animals as possible. As Jade's Mission we have been able to spay 5 chained females so far. If you stop and think, this has not only saved 5 dogs from having to suffer through pregnancy at the end of a chain, it has saved hundreds of lives from all the litters of puppies these dogs could have had in their lifetime at the end of their chain. 

Our donations can only go so far with spaying along with all the other outreach supplies we have to purchase. We knew we couldn't afford to spay and neuter the amount of animals we wanted to without more help. We reached out to Spay and Neuter Kansas City for help. They are willing to help us with spaying and neutering animals that we find while we are on outreach! This is such a great working relationship! We have their forms and can direct people to their services directly now. Instead of just referring them to Spay and Neuter KC, we can help people fill out the form, turn it in for them, and transport animals to their facility if needed. This helps us out so much so we can direct our donated money to outreach supplies and animal emergencies. 

I would like to share some of the stories of the dogs we have been able to spay through Jade's Mission! 

This is sweet Daisy. When we first came across her while going down an alley, she was on a short tie out, no shelter, no food or water, and had bad fly strike. Through education and assistance, we were able to get Daisy spayed, get her a dog house, and now everytime we go by she has fresh food and water. 

Miss Queenie was our first spay as Jade's Mission. She used to be chained up with no shelter and now she is an indoor dog thanks to educating the pet owner.

Bella is a young puppy this family rescued from the streets. She is kept inside and thanks to Jade's Mission, won't have to worry about having a litter.

This is beautiful Roxy, a brindle pit, who we spayed before she could have a litter of pups.

And this is Gordy, a sweet 9 month old girl. Her family was very thankful for the help getting her spayed!           

 Thank you so much to everyone for all the support we are getting! We are small and new, but we are getting so much work accomplished because of your donations and networking!

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