Friday, June 15, 2012

Violet, our first adoption!

During our first weekend of outreach we came across a momma dog eating old spaghetti out of the trash. We pulled over and started looking for where her puppies could be. We found them on the porch of someone's house. They looked skinny and full of worms. They started fighting over the milk bones we put down for them. The momma was very aggressive and leery of people, she is basically feral. No one answered the door at this house, so we decided to come back the next day. 

The next day we went back and finally spoke to someone that lived at this house. At first the lady said she wanted to keep all the puppies, one for each of her kids. We had laid out some food for the puppies and they were engulfing it, they were starving. We started talking to her about the vet care these puppies needed and that they appeared to be loaded with worms. Thankfully she did what was right and these sweet babies became Jade's Mission's first puppies! Kendra did a wonderful job nursing these babies back to health. They were completely full of worms, so bad they were pooping them for days. 

 These adorable babies were spayed and neutered yesterday and they are recovering beautifully! And for the best news of all.... Violet, one of the brindle cuties, was adopted tonight!!! A wonderful family fell in love with her and decided to make her a part of their family! Thank you so much for adopting a Jade's Mission dog! Have a wonderful life Violet!

Now we have Sweet William, Daisy, and Lily to find a forever home for! We will be at Tractor Supply in Belton this Saturday from 10 to 4 pm with these puppies. Please check out our website at, for more information on this event! We will be collecting donations for our Dog Days of Summer Campaign, which is all about collecting items for fly relief for chained and penned dogs at this event as well! Please come out and see us!

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